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Volume: CGXTIL

Price: 0.00912633 BTC

$837.50 USD (by current exchange rate)

Sold: 6 time(s) out of 8

Total: 2 file(s)

Hidden text contain: 0 symbol(s)

Download file(s): 7.17KB
ips.txt 7708.13KB

Info(Description by file owner):

unauthenticated remote code execution in userportal and webadmin component of sophos firewall
according to shodan there is more than 230k internet exposed of these vulnerable instances.
the script works with list of ips (batch exploiting/mass exploiting) and single target.
as of now its possible to get arround 100k bots (mostly devices are 64bits with minority running in 32bits)
we including the exploit and list of servers extracted from shodan.

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Reviews from buyers

2022-11-29 05:50:35

This is fake RCE \- Old BlueKeep Exploit

Don’t waste your money\. This is just an old exploit \(BlueKeep\)\. It is not the Sophos RCE/AUTH bypass