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Volume: CFs7MZ

Price: 0.13650000 BTC

$9532.85 USD (by current exchange rate)

Sold: 1 time(s) out of 2

Total: 2 file(s)

Hidden text contain: 0 symbol(s)

Download file(s):

Info wallet password.txt 6.54KB
My file wallet btc reserve 1.dat 81.12KB

Info(Description by file owner):

ADDRESS 1EN7j4gyRGThNH3TLQ9aTGAVv2rXjBMjKz 96.95486640 BTC

PASSWORD: BiT2018$BiTWelcomebtc Is the password that was picked up for me from the second wallet

PASSWORD: 2018$BiTWelcomebtc ? This is about the same password for the first wallet, but it does not fit (Maybe something is mixed up somewhere or not enough!Well, they tried to pick it up until they could not!So try it, maybe you'll get lucky!

He told me everything he knew about the password

I specially posted a hash from the wallet itself if you just manage to pick up a password!Then after that you can buy it, open it with a password selected by hash and withdraw bitcoin!I just don't know if I explained it correctly or not, I don't understand much about it, but it seems like they explained it to me, so I described it!
Now I'll tell you about my wallet.I have 2 wallet wallets, I left them for a rainy day, I kept the leaf securely there were even private keys written down, but the leaflet rushed into the nezapno kudato got lost from 2019 to this day I can't find it!2 wallet my wallet was helped to open!And I remained equally free!)And they can't open 1 wallet wallet, although I almost drove the same passwords that on the first wallet that on the second wallet, they picked up the password to my second wallet, I had to give 60% of bitcoins because they said it was difficult to search, they were looking for a hash wallet, I didn't trust anyone, as he explained to me a friend that you need to give only hzsh from a file that is password-protected!That's why I'm tired of suffering with the first wallet and I want to get at least a small reward for my wallet, that is, to sell it and advised how to sell it and gave not many contacts who are interested in the selection and purchase!the passwords I remembered from the first and second wallets were almost the same!When they picked up my password and I was just wrong in sorting letters and one digit and the password was for the second wallet like this (BiT2018$BiTWelcomebtc) The same password should be for the first one, but it does not fit, perhaps there is also something confused or added, but I remember that I recorded the same length and format, just maybe I added a symbol or letters somewhere!That's why I honestly described it as it is!I will attach a hash so that they can search for the password, maybe they will still be able to find the password!Excuse me for not being convenient if I wrote it wrong!

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