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Volume: CCkQtP

Price: 0.05250000 BTC

$3666.48 USD (by current exchange rate)

Sold: 0 time(s) out of 1

Hidden text contain: 58 symbol(s)

Info(Description by file owner):

1200 coinlist accounts for sale.
Registered with forged documents of residents of European countries.
Photos for verification are all different and of good quality. Verifications took place within 15 minutes.
The set includes rambler, mail, yandex mailboxes with registration letters.
Mobile proxies were used during registration.
They did not participate in sales. The accounts were created from mid-March 2021 to the end of April 2021.
2fa disabled

It is provided in two formats at once:
1. txt file with a list of logins and passwords for automated software
2. 1200 folders, each of which contains:
- TXT file with the data specified during registration (login: password, mail login: password, proxy, document data)
- photo of a person, photo of a document, selfie and selfie with a document for additional verification (if necessary).

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