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Volume: CARc2b

Price: 0.00625065 BTC

$436.53 USD (by current exchange rate)

Sold: 0 time(s) out of 1

Total: 1 file(s)

Hidden text contain: 0 symbol(s)

Download file(s):

Trademen Forex Trading 39925.96KB

Info(Description by file owner):

Online Trade is your No 1 solution for creating an investment platform. Forex, stock and cryptocurrency investment and monitoring now simplified. Online Trade makes it easy for you to run your own online investment system within minutes. It is a full responsive & dynamic investment Platform built with Laravel Framework. It’s now easy to get started with your own Investment system.

Note that some features has been disabled on demo.
Key features
Supports Litecoin, Bitcoin and Ethereum.
2FA verification on login and registration
5 Levels Referral System (Stable)
KYC (Know your customers) Compliance
Advanced users management
Simple and friendly frontend content editor from admin
Automated and dynamic ROI (Return on investment topup)
Signup Bonus
Email notification on registration, when ROI drops and at the end of investment circle.
Live chat management
Mass email to all users
Referral system
Audit logs
Admin roles
Logo and favicon management
Test before you buy!
User login
Email: [email protected]
Password: test123

Admin login
Admin email: [email protected]
Super admin email: [email protected]
Password: test123

Note that some features has been disabled on demo
Our guarantee
Patch and fix any bugs or broken content
Answer any questions you may have
Help get you setup and installed!
Provide excellent support with a fast response rate
Payment methods
CoinPayments automatic methods.
Bank deposit / transfer
Credit card (stripe)
Bitcoin (Manual)
Ethereum (Manual)
Other methods provided by admin through email contact (E.g. MoneyGram, Western union)
Credit card test details
Expiry date: Any date above current date.(E.g. 07/2022)
CVV: Any four digit (E.g. 7535)
Email: Any email provided.
Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Easy to integrate with your wordpress site: We could help with that.
At a glance
Live chat system.
Fully responsive design.
Automatic top up to users account (Hourly, daily, weekly or monthly). As specified by admin
Manual top up also included
Stop trade (auto top up) on users account on non working days (weekends or holidays)
Live trading charts
Customers testimonials.
Withdrawal and deposit methods.
Secure Database with input escaping so no SQL Injection!
Protects against CSRF attacks!
Standard passwords encryption.
SEO friendly URLs.
Informative USER Panel.
Deposit history.
withdrawal history.
Earning history.
Smooth and proper navigation.
Support system.
Referral system.
Admin specify currency.
Admin send notification to user dashboard.
Admin create and edit plans.
Admin manage withdrawals.
Admin manage deposits.
Admin manage users.
Block and unblock user.
Settings page.
Change log
Our Contact Details
Skype: mdshihab83

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Please note that SatoshiDisk does not provide support for the items purchased through a seller via us. If you have questions regarding your product, please contact the seller directly. We can't refund, change, rollback or cancel the transaction because of blockchain protocol. All sales are final.