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Volume: C9DpKd

Price: 0.00382988 BTC

$267.47 USD (by current exchange rate)

Sale Count: Unlimited

Total: 1 file(s)

Hidden text contain: 490 symbol(s)

Download file(s):

FreebitcoBot.7z 3KB

Info(Description by file owner):

Go botting on - with fresh, new accounts out of the box autoclaim RCAPTCHA solver - (no Captcha service - no extra fees)
Scrypt features:
Check Proxy - wont connect to if deserved prox isnt connected
Reconnet proxy + Send message to discord from profile if proxy is not connected
(Current Ballance + Last Claim amount message on discord in next Update)
Play WITH GooGLe ReCaptcha
50 // 100 // 200 account claiming per houre description included

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