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Volume: C74Tfg

Price: 0.00225523 BTC

$157.50 USD (by current exchange rate)

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Pollard_s kangaroo-Windows 10 -Ubuntu 1034.12KB

Info(Description by file owner):

Pollard_s kangaroo-Windows 10 -Ubuntu 18.04 For both the tame and wild kangaroo, the (i+1)st hop that the kangaroo takes, wi+1, is given by wi+1=wi?(H(wi+1)?G) Here, H is a hash function, ? is scalar multiplication, and ? is point addition on an elliptic curve, and G is a base point on the curve. You can also compute the distance di that each kangaroo travels after i steps, with d0=0 and di+1=di+H(wi). If you want to search for a discrete log in an interval [a,b], let the tame kangaroo lay N "traps", one at each hop. Then set the wild kangaroo loose, starting at bG. The hope is that the wild kangaroo will hop into a tame trap. If their paths intersect, we immediately have a solution to the ECDLP. program to find discrete logarithms using Pollard's lambda method for catching kangaroos. This algorithm appears to be the best Tutorial PDF File: windows Pollard_s kangaroo-Windows 10 run.bat pollard-k.exe File Linux: File: Pollard_s kangaroo make all run ./pollard-K

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