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Volume: C976An. SOLD OUT.

Price: 0.00143023 BTC

$131.25 USD (by current exchange rate)

Sold: 4 time(s) out of 4

Total: 2 file(s)

Hidden text contain: 0 symbol(s)

Download file(s):

cve_2020_0796.pyc 2721.82KB
vuln.txt 212.99KB

Info(Description by file owner):

The only currently available PoC that allows remote code execution, capable of bypassing ASLR exploitation prevention techniques for CVE-2020-0697 also known as SMBGhost. However it is not free since even script kiddies could cause chaos with it. Price per copy is fixed at 125 USD, only buy at your own risk, we're not responsible for any of your actions performed using our tool.

Reviews from buyers

2020-03-30 09:22:27

worth it

was skeptical at first but found what i was looking for and no metasploit